Family Engagement


You are invited to join us for the Grand Opening of the Albright Parent Center. The Grand Opening is Friday, September 17th from 9AM-1PM. A light continental breakfast will be served.  You will have the opportunity to meet our family liaison, Ms. Huynh, school principal, other school support team members, as well as learn about all of the things we will offer in the center. 

Ms. Huynh - Family Engagement Liaison
281-498-8110 x24807

Parent Involvement Makes a Difference!

When parents get involved, their children:

  • Develop a sense of pride and self-esteem

  • Get better grades and test scores

  • Are more likely to go on to higher education

  • Are better behaved and have more positive attitudes

How can I become involved in my child's education?

  • Read together: Children who read at home with their parents perform better in school.

  • Use TV wisely: Limit the amount of TV viewing and watch and discuss shows with your children.

  • Establish a daily family routine: Make sure your child goes to school every day. Establish a regular time for homework. Routines may include chores, eating meals together, and a regular bedtime.

  • Talk with and listen to your children: Set a good example and listen to what your child has to say.

  • Keep in touch with the school: Stay informed about your child's progress at school. Visit the school or talk with teachers on the telephone.

Take advantage of parent volunteer opportunities

Albright Middle School

2016-2017 Family Engagement Policy 

Albright Middle School, in collaboration with parents/guardians and community,

will provide an exemplary education for all students in a safe environment.

 At Albright Middle School, we believe a strong partnership between the school and home is essential if a quality educational program is to be provided for all students. We are committed to the philosophy that family engagement is integral to the success of each student. For this reason, families are actively recruited as our partners for success.

  • Teachers and staff are regularly available for parent/guardian conferences throughout the year to discuss student progress.  Conferences can be held in person or via telephone.  A varied schedule for meetings and conferences will be used in order to accommodate the needs of parents/guardians.

  • Albright Middle School will hold meetings during the school year where parents/guardians of students who are participating in the Title 1 program will have the opportunity to help review, plan or make suggestions to improve the educational program as well as have input in the Family Engagement Policy and other school policies.

  • Albright Middle School will provide on-going training, through our Family Center, to assist our parents/guardians in working effectively with their children to increase achievement.

  • Albright Middle School will continue to communicate with the parent/guardians of each student through every method available e.g.( web-site, fliers, text, and all calls).

  • Our campus web-page and school marquee will be updated to provide information to parents/guardians about activities, programs, school related information, meetings, parenting tips and suggestions. STAAR information and testing dates will also be published.

  • A School-Parent Compact is signed by the student, parent/guardian, and principal and will outline how everyone will share in the responsibility for improved student achievement.


  • Albright Middle School will provide opportunities for the participation of parents/guardians with limited English proficiency and parents/guardians with disabilities.


  • The Albright Middle School staff will work in collaboration with parents/guardians to address areas in need of improvement.

  • The school will maintain records for family engagement activities.